Resolving to Eat Better, Live Better
We at Average Joe are planning some New Year’s resolutions for 2013. In addition to exercising six days a week and finally editing those family videos, we’ve made plans to be a better parent, a healthier person and a better friend through food:
We resolve to make our kids sit down for dinner with us more often than not. Without the TV on in the background.
We resolve to diligently eliminate preservatives and artificial ingredients from our diets as well as our family’s. (Even in condiments and spreads.) We’re going to stick to whole foods, healthily prepared, whenever possible.
We resolve to make more meals and snacks at home. We’re finally going to make regular use of our collection of cookbooks…and venture off the well-worn pages.
We resolve to treat our friends to the fruits of our labor in the kitchen more often. Those we know who are single or homebound will especially appreciate the surprise of a loaf of homemade bread.
We resolve to slow down and savor the process of baking as well as the results. When we race through life, we miss it. In 2013, we’re going to try to live in the moment, seize the day, and stop and smell the bread.
Best wishes in 2013 from Average Joe!